ReportOUT Three-Year Strategic Plan: 2022 – 2025
Executive Statement
Putting together this new Three-Year Strategic Plan was an exciting and motivating process for all of us at ReportOUT.
Since our inception as a charity in 2019, ReportOUT have grown from a small organisation of seven volunteers and a team of Trustees, to an organisation which has grown significantly in scale and scope. We now have an expanded set of Trustees, over forty volunteers, and a range of projects which have had real and tangible world impact.
With this in mind, we have presented an honest and transparent appraisal of our achievements from our previous Three-Year Strategic Plan. During this time, we have learnt important lessons which have fed into where we see ourselves as an organisation and as we look to the future.
This plan reflects what we will do at ReportOUT, it outlines why we are still needed, and it highlights our strong vision, mission, aims, and our plan to be part of the change that we want to see for a better and fairer world for sexual and gender minorities. As with all plans, it is also flexible and it keeps an eye on a continuously changing social landscape for sexual and gender minorities, and so it also recognises that we must be fluid in responding to change and challenges, quickly and effectively.

As we look toward the future, it was time for a new Three-Year Strategy to give us a clear focus ahead, as we mature as an organisation, consolidate what we have learnt, yet stay bold, responsive and clear-headed in the pursuit of achieving our goals.
Although we face significant challenges ahead in ensuring that the human rights and development needs of sexual and gender minorities are protected and highlighted, we are more than ready to take on this challenge. We are ambitious as an organisation, and we are fearless, determined and relentless in pursuing social justice and in highlighting the human rights abuses of sexual and gender minorities globally. We are proud to elevate the voices of the one of our world’s most vulnerable groups and to work with them, to achieve the positive social change that everyone deserves. Nobody should be left behind.
Without the work of our highly skilled and dedicated volunteer team none of this would be possible and ReportOUT continues to owe them a depth of gratitude. As a largely volunteer-led organisation, our success comes from the people who make it happen and who help to make our work shine. Thank you!
The Trustees of ReportOUT
Putting together our Three-Year Strategic Plan: 2022-2025
After a very successful completion of our previous Three-Year Strategic Plan: 2019-2022 for ReportOUT, we have developed a new and thriving plan, to give us a clear vision for our future direction of ReportOUT as a charity.
ReportOUT took part in a clear stakeholder engagement to develop this Strategic Plan, which ranged from our Trustees to our volunteers, and in total transparency, all were given an opportunity to feed their voices into our planning process. We did this via:
Trustee feedback;
A residential engagement weekend for volunteers;
Volunteer meetings and workshops;
Workshops with volunteers and Trustees setting out our guiding principles and our Theory of Change;
Scoping and feasibility research;
Via the organisational scoring on the Charity Excellence CIO Online Toolkit.
Techniques we used to do this included completing a thorough SWOT analysis of our organisation (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to see how our stakeholders felt about our work to date, and to point out areas where we are doing well, where we need to improve, what we could do in terms of opportunities, and any threats that we may face. We also complimented this engagement with an analysis of the external Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legislative and Environmental (PESTLE) context. In our PESTLE analysis we scanned the horizon for wider issues and trends in the global, national, and local environment and considered their potential implications for ReportOUT.
This new strategic plan takes an outcome focus and sets the direction of our work in the coming three years. It sets out the outcomes we seek to achieve and the priority actions we will take to bring these about. It will be underpinned each year by a detailed operational action plan.
We look forward to continuing to work with our many partners and build new relationships which will enable us to deliver our strategic plan.
Read more about who ReportOUT are and what ReportOUT do here
Who we are and our governance ->
Our projects to date ->
Considering the future ->
Score card - our previous strategic priorities and objectives ->
Looking forward - our new strategic priorities and outcomes for 2022-2025 ->